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Thursday 23 August 2012

I felt like I abandoned this blog .

Assalamualaikum friends,

So the first thing I want to say to all of you muslim visitors is '' Selamat Hari Raya ''. Sorry cause I didn't update the blog ,I felt like I abandoned this blog. Dont get me wrong ok ? So, How's life? me ? my life is just normal lol .

Thanks for visiting . x C:

Friday 6 April 2012

Holiday @ Frazer's Hill :D

Assalammualaikum to all muslims and Hello to the non-muslim ;D

So , it's the first semester holiday MY FAMILY , ME and MY COUSIN'S FAMILY went to Fraser's Hill . It was very cold and misty and yet we don't have a fan neither aircond in the room :0

But still, it so DAMN FREAKING cold :D I felt like I'm in London :p

We stayed in the Silverpark Resort . But before that , we stopped by a waterfall :) it's so beautiful ;)

My sister and My cousin :p

So , the first day 

We went to our apartment , and put our stuff. Then , we put some food (that we brought from home) in to the fridge . Then we stop by a fancy restaurant but there's a few pupils there . We ordered some food . We eat eat and eat . Suddenly , the tyre flats ..... so , while my dad and my uncle change the tyre The girls went shopping :-) I buy some souvenirs  for my friends :-3 . we went home pray , take shower and everythinglah kan ;p Maghrib pula menjelma ..... We ate maggi for dinner :) And sleeeeeeepp ^^zzzzzz

The next day , I woke up early to perfom my SUBUH prayers , shower and help my aunt make some pancakes for breakfast , and roticanai :) (Y) cool eh ?

After done having breakfast , I vain :> well that's me ;p

Blablablablablabla ~ I was so excited cause' wer gonna go swimming in the waterfall :) *happyface*
So , my aunt made some chicken sandwich , I helped her making those sandwiches ....... Unfortunately , The road that were supposed to use is BLOCKED *sadface* So , another thing that make me even more excited is JUNGLE TRACKING ! *Heckyeah* On our way to the Hermant Trail , We saw a dead squirrel a.k.a J.Beaver 
May god bless you ! 

Walk for a long way ............ and suddenly ......


*le picture

 Ahah that's all about JUNGLE TRACKING .

Blablabla then we went home :)

- Posted using BlogPress :-)
Location:Frazer's Hill

Wednesday 25 January 2012

My blog is now pretty !

Hye and Assalammualaikum , 

As you can see my blog is now pretty ! I change something and its pretty now ! Im so happy ! I hope many people will visit my blog more often .... I change the header , the background and I add some fireworks ! So , I think I will update it more often That's all for now ! 

Assalammualaikum and Bye !